Product DescriptionThe traditional Oxford maths set with an eye catching clashing colours design. The Oxford range from Helix has a worldwide reputation for quality and excellence with an enviable brand that is known for using its traditional values of product development and applying them to modern day curriculum requirements. Known across the globe as the world's best maths set and brand leader in the UK, the Helix Oxford Maths Set has sold over 100 million units. Helix was founded 130 years ago in the Midlands, England with a view to offer customers high quality, sturdy and durable stationery to use every day in school, at home or in work. Today Helix's product range may have grown from where it started but Helix still has the love and passion for stationery that it always had, as well as the desire to offer people the best of British design and function in their everyday stationery use. Set Contains:1 x Maths Set |
품명 | 상품페이지 참고 |
모델명 | 상품페이지 참고 |
법에 의한 인증·허가 등을 받았음을 확인할 수 있는 경우 그에 대한 사항 | 상품페이지 참고 |
제조국 또는 원산지 | 상품페이지 참고 |
제조자 | 상품페이지 참고 |
A/S 책임자와 전화번호 또는 소비자상담 관련 전화번호 | 상품페이지 참고 |
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