Boveda 62% 휴미더 패킷 습도조절 8~10카운트 > 생활/수납/욕실/청소

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Boveda 62% 휴미더 패킷 습도조절 8~10카운트 요약정보 및 구매

37,520 33,500

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

적립 포인트 1,005P
보유 포인트 0P
제조사 No
원산지 기타
상품고유코드 1682646493 도매 상담문의
배송비결제 9,800원

선택된 옵션

  • Boveda 62% 휴미더 패킷 습도조절 8~10카운트 (+0원)
총 상품금액 : 0

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

* 이 제품은 구매대행을 통하여 유통되는 제품입니다.
* 이 제품은 [전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법]에 따른 안전관리대상 제품입니다.
Boveda 62% 휴미더 패킷 습도조절 8~10카운트
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  • Struggling with dry and stale items? Looking to keep your supply fresh? Grab our 10 count Boveda humidity pack sealed in an airtight zip lock bag keeping your humidor packs fresh and ready to use for up to two years. Avid users know the key to good items is freshness, take advantage of Boveda's bulk 62% humidity control packs and keep the good times rolling. As the global leader in two way humidity control put your faith in Boveda to protect the potency and effectiveness of your items.
  • Made with patented formula of all-natural salts and purified water, Boveda humidor packs help retain the natural items within your supply for a cleaner and more effective product. Our Boveda two way humidity control packs allow for long lasting potency and aroma, place your humidity pack in an airtight container keeping it dense and moist for up to 2-6 months of freshness. Add more humidifier packs in your glass storage container to keep them lasting for an extended period of time.
  • Boveda keeps the Relative Humidity (RH) stable within your glass storage container, choose between our 58% or 62% humidor packs depending on your need. The 58% Boveda packs for humidors are ideal for your smaller supply and the humidor packs Boveda creates at 62% work best with larger amounts of product. When your Boveda humidity control packets start to become ridged or hard it is time to change it out.
  • The 62% size 8 Boveda humidor packets fit perfectly into various sizes of storage containers, bulk airtight tubs, humidors and much more. Their compact size allows you to store more product while keeping it fresh. Boveda created a formula of all-natural salts and purified water that help create a restorative barrier of monolayer water molecules that hydrate and protect the natural items within your product.
  • Each 10 count of our Boveda humidor packs are securely packaged in an airtight high-barrier resealable zip lock bag. Keeping your extra humidor hydration packs securely stored while not in use will extend their life span up to two years. Experience high quality items even months after purchase due to our precise Relative Humidity control when using Boveda 62% humidor packets. The Boveda 62% size 8 packet is compact making it ideal for smaller glass storage containers and travel.

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* 교환 및 반품 가능 기간은 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내입니다. (단, 제품 또는 포장박스 훼손 시 교환 불가)

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* 일부 특가 상품 또는 주문 제작품 주문 시에는 교환 및 반품이 불가능하오니, 주문 전 상품의 상세정보를 꼭 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

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