타라고 셀프 샤인 크림 키트 | 가죽 부츠 및 신발용 폴란드어 | 어플리케이터 스폰지 | 1.76층 온스 > 패션잡화 / 화장품

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타라고 셀프 샤인 크림 키트 | 가죽 부츠 및 신발용 폴란드어 | 어플리케이터 스폰지 | 1.76층 온스 요약정보 및 구매

30,128 26,900

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

적립 포인트 663P
보유 포인트 0P
제조사 Tarrago
원산지 기타
상품고유코드 1676355818 도매 상담문의
배송비결제 9,800원

선택된 옵션

  • 타라고 셀프 샤인 크림 키트 | 가죽 부츠 및 신발용 폴란드어 | 어플리케이터 스폰지 | 1.76층 온스 (+0원)
총 상품금액 : 0

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

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타라고 셀프 샤인 크림 키트 | 가죽 부츠 및 신발용 폴란드어 | 어플리케이터 스폰지 | 1.76층 온스

Tarrago Self Shine Cream Kit | Polish for Leather Boots and Shoes | With applicator sponge | 1.76 Fl. Oz


  • EXTRA NUTRITION TO LEATHER: Self Shine Cream Kit is a cream for leather footwear, enriched with 50% carnauba wax of all waxes. This wax is known as the queen of waxes, so it provides very complete nutrition to the leather, allowing it to be much more flexible. Prevents cracking and prolongs the life of the leather. It can be applied on leather and synthetic leather footwear in its different colors.
  • CONCEALS SCUFFS AND SCRATCHES: Its high pigment content covers small defects such as scratches and scuffs colors in leather or synthetic leather. Available in more than 12 different colors. Once applied, it provides shine without the need to brush or polish. This product is not classified as an irritant or flammable. Being non-flammable, it can be transported by air. This product is valid for 15 years. This product is not suitable for suede or nubuck.
  • ALL-IN-ONE: Its presentation of 50ml glass bottle with self-applying sponge allows a simple and comfortable application 1. Remove dust and dirt from the surface.2. Soak the sponge generously. 3. Spread the cream evenly on the leather, covering the entire surface without allowing it to dry while applying. 4. Let dry for 1 minute. 5. Get shine without brushing. It is recommended to close the product very well to prevent it from drying out.
  • CUSTOMER SERVICE: Tarrago offers all the technical solutions for the care of your shoes and leather garments, bags, belts and jackets in suede, nubuck, leather or textile. To clean, repair, nourish, maintain and protect all materials such as leather, canvas, technical fabrics and your precious sneakers. Use our amazing paint, stain, shoe polish and cream, as well as waterproofers and protectors. Our technicians will help you with everything you need.
  • TARRAGO FOUNDED IN 1940 and it is passionate about innovation: Its modern factory in continuous improvement, proposes innovative methods adapted to the new needs of its customers. Tarrago laboratories are committed to manufacturing in Europe to benefit from the local quality and organic products. Knowledge as the center of its value chain, and a quality process to select the best raw materials, its professional logistics provide the best service.

A self-shine cream containing natural waxes. Its unique formula gives instant shines without the need for brushing while nourishing the leather. The designed applicator allows easy application. Great for leather and synthetic leather.

상품 정보 고시

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