기쿠보시 두피 센터리즘 샴푸 비누 10개입 30g > 화장품/바디/헤어

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기쿠보시 두피 센터리즘 샴푸 비누 10개입 30g 요약정보 및 구매

30,538 23,496

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

적립 포인트 252P
보유 포인트 0P
제조사 Kikuboshi
원산지 기타
상품고유코드 1676012858 도매 상담문의
배송비결제 9,800원

선택된 옵션

  • 기쿠보시 두피 센터리즘 샴푸 비누 10개입 30g (+0원)
총 상품금액 : 0

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

* 이 제품은 구매대행을 통하여 유통되는 제품입니다.
* 이 제품은 [전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법]에 따른 안전관리대상 제품입니다.

기쿠보시 두피 센터리즘 샴푸 비누 10개입 30g

Kikuboshi scalp centrism shampoo soap 10 pieces one 30g


  • Scalp for a solid soap to wash firmly on the scal
  • Scoop out clean persistent sebum dirt of pores in
  • Hari Kosi to the hair to raise the condition of t
  • made in Japan.
  • 10 pieces.

And say shampoo, but is the image of "hair", in fact "to keep to a healthy state to wash the scalp", that is the thing of the scalp of care. In fact, get rid of the hair of dirt is easy, 70% and the majority even just wash with hot water can be washed away. However scalp of dirt and excess oil, sebum, which in particular is secreted from the sebaceous glands located in the root of the hair is something that does not fall easily If you do not massage using soap or shampoo. Moderate sebum, keeping the luster and the robustness of the hair, moisturizing the scalp, there is a role to protect the scalp from the stimulus from the outside. However, excessive sebum will also be the cause of dandruff and itching become a waste. The secretion of sebum reasonably maintain, it is the biggest reason to be kept healthy scalp wash around the scalp. Scalp you can keep a strong hair precisely because it is healthy. Certainly Okinawan sea mud (Marine Salt) in the pores was punching select the adsorption force material blended some of the Kirisumi is porous in the ultra-fine particles, we will take entwined adsorbs sebum fat. Fine particles in the sebum that was aimed to drop gently firm the sebum dirt does not exist only in the specific area of ??coal Okinawa (60% less than 5 microns) to purify the sea mud of, was formulated. Firmly adsorbed to the back of the dirt of pores, it writes. Scalp to have been good for the kelp extract (Laminaria ochotensis extract) hair, and healthy appointed the hair and scalp in the kelp extract nutrients such as minerals, fucoidan, alginic acid is included in the wealth.

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