Are you tired of dealing with the lack of precision in your video games? Of not being able to do the same shot twice because your muscular memory lacks good memory? Of feeling your skin against different surfaces missing consistency? Precision for YOU is nothing more than the probability to obtain the same results every single time, again, and again until there is nobody left on the battlefield. Everyday we face different challenges as GAMERS, we got to face that not everything that we do is how we planned them. We have some inconsistencies and most of the time is because of that feeling against different surfaces, if it’s not always the same, you can’t do the same every time. Also even though you are not running or lifting weight our muscles need to be warm up in order to perform as PRO as we want to. If you control this aspects is going to be easier to repeat that flick shot of your last match. So… now that we know the problem, what can we do to solve it? We introduce you our new pro GAMING SLEEVES, it doesn’t matter how your gaming style is, or if you have a fingertip grip, claw grip or palm grip. Our gaming sleeves are made from a specialized material to keep your muscles warm and tight so they can work in the most PROcise way possible. We think in all of our GAMERS and we have different presentations, if you want to total control of your arm with the perfect amount of compression, we have our KONTROL series made just for YOU! If on the other hand you want you move your whole arm or stick to one single place when you play we have our HYBREED series, where you can choose from two different models but you will have a stabilized feeling it doesn’t matter what surface your are playing in, it will keep your muscles warm and with that you are going to be able to improve your aiming accuracy in game.
품명 | 상품페이지 참고 |
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제조국 또는 원산지 | 상품페이지 참고 |
제조자 | 상품페이지 참고 |
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