CTEK (56-382) M8 탑 포스트 배터리용 컴포트 인디케이터 아일렛, 블랙 > 가전 / 휴대폰 / 산업

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CTEK (56-382) M8 탑 포스트 배터리용 컴포트 인디케이터 아일렛, 블랙 요약정보 및 구매

36,736 25,743

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

적립 포인트 984P
보유 포인트 0P
제조사 ‎56-382
원산지 기타
상품고유코드 1675409313 도매 상담문의
배송비결제 9,800원

선택된 옵션

  • CTEK (56-382) M8 탑 포스트 배터리용 컴포트 인디케이터 아일렛, 블랙 (+0원)
총 상품금액 : 0

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

71 r2jQy36L._AC_SX355_.jpg

CTEK (56-382) M8 탑 포스트 배터리용 컴포트 인디케이터 아일렛, 블랙

CTEK (56-382) Comfort Indicator Eyelet for M8 Top Post Batteries , Black


  • Easy to install
  • Comes standard with an end cap attached to ensure the connection stays in good condition while not in use
  • Easily connects to batteries which are often difficult to gain access to and is great for multi-vehicle use
  • Easy to read display

CTEK’s comfort indicator eyelet is a practical combination of quick connector and an indicator. Easily connects to batteries which are often difficult to gain access to and is great for multi-vehicle use. The indicator shows the battery's charge level simply and clearly with the 3 different colored LEDs. Red indicates a charge less than 60 percentage, yellow is a charge above 60 percentage but fewer than 80 percentage and the green light indicates a charge over 80 percentage. The comfort indicator eyelet comes standard with an end cap attached to ensure the connection stays in good condition while not in use. All CTEK products are delivered with a 5 year limited from the original purchase date. The limited is not transferable and only covers manufacturing faults or material defects. is only honored if product and original receipt are returned together to the retailer. is void if the battery charger has been opened, handled carelessly or repaired by anyone other than a CTEK Power or its authorized representatives.

상품 정보 고시

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해외 배송 제품의 경우, 입금 확인일로부터 평일 기준 7~15일 정도 소요됩니다. 

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* 교환 및 반품 가능 기간은 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내입니다. (단, 제품 또는 포장박스 훼손 시 교환 불가)

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